Low-life Scumbag Losers!
The Flatulence of it All! |
Making Beaver Balls
A Rewarding Hunt
A Frightening Experience
Reintroducing a Controversial Hunt
Seldom We Agree
What's the Truth? |
Wildlife and Fire
25 Years Later
Chatter to Chew On
Chatter to Chew On
Outdoor Stuff
A Government that Lies |
Protecting Biodiversity
Red Tape Rage
Pass the Meat Please!
The Possibility of De-extinction
The Not-So-Green Future?
Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend
Another Long Gun Registry |
A New Hunting Opportunity, or Just a
Twenty-Five Years of Conservation
An Investment in CWD Research
Urine-based Hunting Lures:
Are They Ok to Use?
Cervid COVID Concerns |
Just What We Don't Need!
Another Disease to Worry About?
Pandering to the Animal-Rights
An End to Trail Cameras?
New Research: CWD Poses Risk to
Social Licence to Hunt and Misplaced
Conservation |
With New Strains Comes...
A Rodent for the Ages
Sometimes Size Doesn't Matter
Ag-gag Laws
Bad Ideas that Won't Go Away
Wildlife Wakeup Call |
The Jane Goodall Act
Hunt Fish 30x30
What About Wabamun?
Motivated Ministers
The Cost of Logging
Breeding Inequality and Animosity |
Capitulation... or Sound Marketing?
Taking Advantage of a Bad Situation
More of the Same
Fighting Back!
When You're Told to Go Get Stitches...
The Mighty Ermine
Animal Justice and PETA
The Model
Have We Dropped the CWD Ball?
Banning AR's is a Good Idea!
Skinning Animals... Alive!
An Alliance for Public Land Access
Baiting Bears
It's Signed! Métis Harvesting is on.
A Cure for CWD?
The Consequences of Stupidity
Sparring Over the Bighorn |
To Hell in a Handbasket
Relocating Alberta Fishers
The End of Hunting?
A Growing Problem?
Wolf Matters... Not Really
Métis Harvesting Back On The Table |
Canadian Wilderness Survival
20 Years of Alberta Outdoorsmen
More Gun Bans Looming
The Tree
Shrinking A Bow Zone?
Meeting the 17% Commitment |
Leased Public Land Access
Wind Turbine Troubles Looming?
Big Game Allocation Decisions
Influenced Decisions
Hunting in a National Park?
Prion Poker
Strange Bedfellows |
The Mystery of the Bugbee Bear
CWD Insidious and Dire
The Animal-Rights Movement
Could Help Be On The Way
Hunting On Undeveloped Road
Allowances |
Parading A Park
Resurrecting the AOC
Rebuffing the Buffer Zone
Introducing Straight Talk
Missing a Great One
War on Wolves
Is Access Becoming More Difficult? |
Finally, A Voice With Reason
Never Let the Truth Get in the Way of a
Good Story
Warm Weather Woes
A Time to Fight Back
Our Most Valuable Resource |
The 10-Day Notice
Where's the Water Coming From?
The World is Watching
The Lion Question and Wolf Management
Chronic Roulette
Outdoor Updates
Let It Be... |
Somebody Has to Save us from Ourselves
Hunting, Fishing, Trapping and
Shooting Unites Politicians
Wasting A Resource
Shoulder Mites?
Ice Roads and Green Belly |
Thank You Hunters, Trappers & Anglers
Random Thoughts
Jack the Cat the Fox Hound
Defender Pretenders
A Fair Trade-off?
You're Being Watched!
Wilderness Reassurance
Forever Vigilant
It's About Responsibilities
Little Bait Thieves
H26 is Alive and Doing Well |
Taking Risks Can Be Rewarding... Or Not!
Hunters and Trappers Share the Blame
Ignorance Knows No Bounds
Canada Should Tread Lightly
Something Positive for the Trapper
The Beaver
Wildland Firefighters
Razing the Riparian Part II
Razing the Riparian Part I
CWD in a Spray Bottle?
If We're Going Down that Road...
Trapline Travel |
Wildlife is a Public Trust
Métis Harvesting Gains Traction
Gun Owners will Always be Under Attack
Back to the Drawing Board
Critter Concerns
75 Years Tough!
So You Want to Own a Trapline eh!
Pheasants, Draws and Fish
The End of a Long Quest
The Sharing of Sheep
The Ugly Killer Mange
Alberta's Deer & Antelope Take a Hit |
The Trail Camera Delimma
Lamenting the Missed Big Ones
The Digital Age and Enforcement
Random Thoughts from a Messy Desk
Let's Just Ban Everything
Doomsayer Predictions Seldom Bear Fruit |
If elk could talk... yer kidding!
CWD: Alberta's Failure
Bad Ideas Born Again
Making it Your Own Way
Late Season Elk Hunt
Calling All Predators |
Too Much Bull for One Zone?
Signs of Strange Minds
Holding a Province Hostage
Remembering Old Friends, Revisiting
Old Places
The Propaganda Machine
The Lunatic is on the Grass |
Is it finally dead?
Myths and Realities
The Grizzly Affair
Trapline Troubles
Setting Regulations
It's a Poison Bag! |
Learning As We Go.
Saving Us From Ourselves
Crossbow: Friend or Foe?
Big, Bad Wolves! Part II
Big, Bad Wolves! Part I
Designating Alberta's Trails
Politics, Puppets and Money
It's Been Quite the Ride
This, that and the other thing
No Accident...
A Case of Mistaken Identity? |
The Bucks of the EID
Hunting Gods Work in
Mysterious Ways
Hunting Camps
Survey Says!
The End, or the Beginning...
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing? Part III
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing? Part II
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing?
Our Changing Times
North Leland Adventure
Magazines for the Military
Sometimes life is tougher than
what you wish for...
It's a Fine Line
Eagles of the North
Are We Doing It Right?
Sports, Dog Fighting, PETA and Bears
Fly-In Moose Hunters
Up The River Without a...
Hunting With Guns At Twelve
Should You Be Concerned?
A Necessary Evil
Trapping in the 21st Century
The Great De-Bait, Part II
The Great De-Bait, Part I
Whitetail Woes!
The Long-horned Cow
Woe to the moose!
On the Ethical Fence
Portraying hunting's image
The pressure's soon to be on!
The Predator and the Fly
The Ugly Head of Racism and Hatred
Oh, the webs we weave
Conservation's Blight
And the water goes draw
And we wait...
Animal User, Animal Abuser |